Banned Medicines Commonly Used in India: Safeguard Your Health

-HealthcareOnTime Team

Understanding Banned Medicines

Gain insight into the definition of banned medicines and the reasons behind their prohibition. Begin your journey by exploring the shocking reality of banned medicines that often find their way into Indian healthcare.

Nimesulide, paracetamol dispersible tablet

Commonly prescribed for toothache, earache, headache, etc.

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Amoxicillin, bromhexine, Salbutamol, hydroxyethyl theophylline

Prescribed for treating respiratory infections like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

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Pholcodine, promethazine

Prescribed for allergy and for dry cough.

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Ammonium chloride, bromhexine, dextromethorphan

Prescribed to treat cough, to loosen the phlegm for making it easier to be coughed out.

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Dextromethorphan, chlorpheniramine maleate, guaiphenesin, ammonium chloride

Prescribed for irritations that are triggered by pollutants.

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phenylephrine, chlorpheniramine, guaiphenesin

To treat cough and cold where the symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, fever, and headache.

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Salbutamol, bromhexine

A cough-relieving medicine, for relaxing respiratory muscles and making it easier for the cough to come out.

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Phenytoin, phenobarbitone sodium

Prescribed to control seizures or fits. These are antiepileptic drugs.

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Ammonium chloride, sodium citrate, chlorpheniramine maleate

Prescribed in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes.

Image credit: Freepik

Conclusion: Safeguard Your Health

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