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Bulging Stomach Causes And How To Control It?

Bulging Stomach Causes And How To Control It?

Posted By HealthcareOnTime Team Posted on 2022-03-09

How many times have we noticed the bulging tyres of our stomach or tummy hanging out of our pants? How disfigured do we look? This is one of the major self- confidence busters in today's world... The bulging tummy syndrome! Bulging stomach has become very common these days due to sedentary lifestyle changes that we all have fallen prey to. This condition generally occurs when the stomach becomes distended to its capacity especially due to bloating. Some genetic conditions can also contribute to development of a bulging stomach, however these are rare and acquired obesity is one of the most famous and primary reasons.

Bulging Stomach Causes And How To Control It?

Junking on processed and fast foods without much of an exercise or movement is the pilot contributing factor. Consumption of aerated drinks and alcohol also leads to gas formation resulting in development of flatulence. A bulging belly may not have its root causes limited only to the above. It may also be caused due to celiac disease, food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and swallowing in excess air. Let's get a brief idea on all of the causes and steps to cope up with it.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) It is a functional disorder wherein the routine and normal gut activity is affected. It is generally characterised and diagnosed when a person suffers from continuous pain in the stomach for months without any explainable reasons.

Swallowing in excess air It occurs majorly due to talking in between meals with mouth full and to avoid the same sitting upright during meals and chewing food with closed mouth is imperative. Avoidance of use of chewing gums and fizzy drinks also prevents excess air swallowing.

Flatulence Flatulence refers to the phenomenon of gas expulsion through the anus and is majorly a consequence of binging on excessive starch rich foods, and aerated drinks. Also, some non-absorbable carbohydrates like cabbages, beans and pulses cause bloating and flatulence.

Constipation Constipation or failure of the biological system to expel faeces or digested food material also results in bloating. This can be avoided by having foods rich in dietary fiber, regular exercise and inclusion of fluids in diet.

Celiac Disease It is a digestive disorder where a person is intolerant to the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Switching to a gluten free diet is the only measure that can be taken. Oats can be used as an alternative in people with this condition. However, if the oats are processed in the same factory as wheat, chances are high of contamination and hence need to be avoided.

Menstrual Cycle Menstrual cycle in females also causes temporary bloating in the stomach due to complex interplay of multiple hormones. However, this is only transient and subsides once the cycle is finished and the next one begins. This is mainly attributed to higher levels of progesterone.

Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer can be another persistent cause of bloating along with perpetual feeling of fullness and abdominal pain. Due to these vague symptoms, early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is still a challenge.

Slow down your speed of eating by chewing properly and not just gulping down food. This will help the food to be properly broken down by the digestive juices in the mouth and hence will prevent its fermentation in the gut which can cause bloating .

No drinks and no talks while eating. Leave a 20 minute gap before and after eating for drinking any fluid as it can dilute the stomach acids required for proper digestion of foods which leads to poorly Avoid talking while eating digested food giving rise again to bloating. Do not talk while eating to prevent air from entering the mouth. Avoid artificial sweeteners like sorbitol present in chewing gums which can cause the production of hydrogen gas and thus give rise to a bloated belly. Monitor your salt consumption especially when purchasing ready to eat food items like fried chips, processed cheese, etc. as these contain a lot of sodium causing water retention in the body. Thus, the stomach feels full and causes it to bloat. digested food giving rise again to bloating. Do not talk while eating to prevent air from entering the mouth. .

Avoid artificial sweeteners like sorbitol present in chewing gums which can cause the production of hydrogen gas and thus give rise to a bloated belly.

Monitor your salt consumption especially when purchasing ready to eat food items like fried chips, processed cheese, etc. as these contain a lot of sodium causing water retention in the body. Thus, the stomach feels full and causes it to bloat.

Unsalted nuts
Natural bio yoghurt
Fennel seeds

Broccoli, cabbage
Dairy products for lactose intolerant people
Apples or other fruits if they are eaten after meals immediately
Salty foods
Greasy fried foods
Spicy foods
Gassy vegetables like lentils, onions and peppers
Carbonated, high acid drinks
Chewing gums

Thus, making right choices in foods can help you to reduce that extra bit of pounds around your waistline, making you look slim and trim back again. As self help is the best help, eat right and exercise well to avoid surgical interventions like a tummy tuck or liposuction in future for a slim figure!


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