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Cancer Risk Factors And 6 Cancer Superfoods To Prevent It

Cancer Risk Factors And 6 Cancer Superfoods To Prevent It

Posted By HealthcareOnTime Posted on 2022-02-10

The word has the ability to bring chills to anyone who hears it. What is the first I thought that pops in the head when one thinks of Cancer? Is it the fact that in most of the cases it is not curable? Or the fear that it doesn't have any said principles to develop or bring in catastrophic changes in an individual? The fear of unknown haunts us, and thus the fear of may be one can develop one too? Or the timely concern for diagnosis bothers us. So, are we at Risk? Tormented by the idea of uncertainty?

Cancer Risk Factors And 6 Cancer Superfoods To Prevent It

Risk is the second name for cancer. The risk of developing it, risk of getting cured from it and the risk of it recurring nags every individual who has heard of cancer; to some people this worry matters less while to others it is the most constant fret But understanding these risks will help in making informed decisions about ones health and tackle factors that get influenced due to a disease like cancer. The idea is not to give false hopes of preventing cancer, which has a very fat chance of preventing when it comes to advanced stages, but it is to make everyone aware of the factors which might have a higher chance of afflicting cancer. Afterall, it is better to know the enemy better, to strike before it's too late.

Cancer Risk Factors - Know them first!
There is something that increases a risk towards any disease, disorder and cancer - factors, these are not the ones that will influence the development or recurrence of cancer, but have shown a pattern of increased chances of acquiring cancer among the populace. Thus, knowing the risk factors and how many of them will have an impact on health, and are increasing the chances towards cancer is important. Some of the general risk factors towards cancer include,
It is a most crucial factor that influences cancer. With growing age the immunity decreases, making one more vulnerable towards various diseases and cancer too.
Family History
In some case of diseases, genetic makeup plays an important role in acquiring the disease. And thus, family with a history of cancer may have an increased risk of striking the generations to come with cancer.
Addiction is a serious cause for cancers of mouth and lungs. Chewing or smoking of tobacco has a severe impact on increasing ones risk towards cancer.
Viral Infections
Certain viral infections like Human Papillomavirus (HPV), if not addressed on time can be a reason for developing cervical cancer.
These mainly include carcinogens which trigger development of cancer. Use of certain chemicals or frequent exposure to these carcinogens (which are known to be present in things used in our day-today life) can trigger cancer.
Constant exposure to radiations such as ultraviolet rays or even harmful sun rays can influence and cause cancer.
Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to increasing your risk towards cancers of mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver and breast.
Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is generally our body's way to respond in order to heal any kind of injured tissue. However, chronic inflammation poses a higher risk of developing cancer. The longer the inflammation persists, the higher becomes the risk of cancer.
What we never thought was how diet can, to an extent, cause cancer. Well, its not the diet that completely is to be blamed but the kind of components (artificial sweetner, alcohol, charred meat etc.) that are present in the food that one consumes influence and increase the risk of cancer.
Immunosuppressive drugs
These are medications which are given to individuals undergoing organ transplants so as to decrease the ability of their immune system to fight against the grafted organ thereby causing its rejection. However, these drugs increase the susceptibility of an individual towards diseases and infections, Cancer being one of them!
Uncontrolled, abnormal weight gain is a problem to a huge populace, and it is known to increase the risk of developing several types of cancer, including cancer of breast, colon, rectum, endometrium, pancreas, kidney, etc.

Cancer is a dreadful disease, getting saved from it is not an impossible task, but a tedio us one for sure. However, what we can focus on instead is how to play safe with it, by paying attention to the above mentioned risk factors.

Life is too short to worry about negatives they say, so why not instead think about the positives keeping in mind that our body strives to keep us alive; and let us take this tiny step of awareness to sleep a peaceful night.

Wouldn't it be great if we could find the elixir to all our health complications inside a fridge? Imagine just picking a fruit and knowing that you are going to bid goodbye to your stomach ache or running nose? And moreover the food that gives us strength to carry out our day-to-day activities might also be a potential warrior to fight cancer. It is known that certain foods help prevent the growth of cancer cells and in fact are capable of complementing to the treatment of the disease. Almost one-third of all the cancers can be treated very effectively by maintaining a proper diet and an appropriate weight.

DIET AND CANCER: How are they related ?
Research shows that a variety of cancers are related directly to the lifestyle choices such as Smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. Eating a healthy, balanced diet helps sustain a healthy body weight, as obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking. Some foods contribute directly to cancer such as red-meat, processed food products while products like fruits, vegetables rich in fibre and certain phytochemicals play an important role in fighting cancer cells.
Unhealthy diet can mainly increase the risk of following cancers.
Upper throat

Enlisted below are some foods that help to lower the risk of cancer. Elagic acid
Many fruits contain nutrients that help in fighting cancer cells. Rich antioxidants such as berries, oranges and mangoes prove to be very beneficial. Cancer fighting fruits such as raspberries, grapes, strawberries contain a phytochemical elagic acid. Elagic acid is shown to dynamise immunity of the body to fight cancer cells and also help in cancer cell destruction.
Walnuts are rich source of phytosterols (plant sterols, a family of molecules related to cholesterol). These molecules have shown to block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells, possibly slowing the cell's growth.
The reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), an edible type of medicinal mushroom that is known for various healing abilities for thousands of years, is a true "superfood." These mushrooms are strongly antiinflammatory, facilitate better immune function and mental clarity.
Carrots contain anti-cancer carotenoids like beta-carotene. A savouring blend of carrots, apricot, sweet potato and cherries can be a real cancer fighting drink. Raw carrots contain falcarinol which can significantly reduce the risk of cancer

This amazing red coloured component widely used in salad contains anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have shown to kill cancer cells. Also, it contains a tumour-inhibiting flavonoid- betazyane which increases the oxygen intake of the cells.
Broccoli is known for its properties that boost the immune system. Broccoli possess phytonutrients that exhibit anti-cancer properties. Sulforaphane in broccoli has been a subject of interest as it shows potential in cancer prevention.

These are a few edibles and a solution that lowers the risk of cancer. Most important thing about any diet is to "MAINTAIN" it! Preparing a diet plan that can be followed easily in the beginning and gradually approaching to a more comprehensive one will help in making it a routine. Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding the disease or fighting it. Change in food habits makes our immunity stronger to fight the menace named cancer.

Everyday Killers to Beware of!
Your everyday use items may appear commonplace, But beware For lurking harbingers of cancers they encase

How causally do we eat the foods we buy/like or prepare and drink the water supplied or bought in bottled containers without even giving it a thought that it may contain a cancer causing substance. Not to mention, a general notion about the dreadful cancer is, it resulting from a chronic or acute pathogenic infection/illness, long-term smoking or alcoholism. It may come as a surprise if you're told the burning sandalwood incense stick or scented candle, or the plastic water bottle in use from past 2 years is a potent concoction of cancer causing substances, called carcinogens!

Just inhaling the polluted air or being a passive smoker is not the only reason for increasing the risk of cancer but much to our dismay, carcinogens are everywhere. Getting exposed to a lot of harmful particles everyday is definitely unsafe yet common, but getting exposed to the same particle for longer periods gravely put one at an increased risk of acquiring cancer. What may seem normal and daily-use items actually harbour grim carcinogens, and exposure to these for extensive periods, causes them to accumulate in our bodies, slowly disrupting the normal metabolism and functions. Enlisted below are the seemingly normal everyday things whose prolonged exposure, turns them into grim reapers bringing cancers of various types.

Air fresheners and Candles
Tiny containers of Lavender blooms, citrus fruit fragrances and scented candles fill your premises with pleasant smell and have conveniently replaced the essential home care products and good old cleaning routines. In reality, providing a false sense of sanitation by masking the foul odors, they contain harmful chemicals that not only worsen air quality but make the olfactory receptors of our nostrils incapable of recognising other odors. Filled with petroleum products and potentially dangerous industrial chemicals, including formaldehyde and naphthalene at levels which, upon a long-term exposure become more dangerous than even tobacco smoke, leads to cancerous mutations in our DNA, escalating the risk of cancers of nose and throat.

Wanting to appear perfect makes many long-term addicted slaves to spray deodorants, facial creams, hair products, pressured powders, etc. Many of which makes our skin smooth, supple, fair or shining, are not so fair in reality with their ingredients. These so called "declared safe and allergy-free as animal tested" cosmetics are filled with carcinogens like formaldehyde, paraben, toluene and lead which are found to mimic ovarian hormones like estrogen and get accumulated to cause cancerous growths in breast and lungs.

Diet Soda
Fearing weight gain and Metabolic diseases, makes majority of health conscious people to opt for diet soda instead of sugary beverages but these diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners like saccharin and cyclamate which are associated with bladder cancer, and aspartame which after getting metabolised into formaldehyde (a known carcinogen), increases the risk of brain tumours.

Plastic bottles
Your favourite plastic containers and bottles in use from months or years must be checked first for the levels of their Bisphenol A (BPA) and discarded by their expiry dates. BPA and dioxins leach into food or drink it stores and an over time exposure to these carcinogens, increases an individual's risk to breast cancer.

A dollop of our favourite paste twice a day maintains oral health is one of the first few habits we learn as kids, however these popular toothpastes do more harm in the long run because of their certain ingredients. Fluoride of toothpastes, known to reduce cavities, if found in higher levels even in the water used, may lead to fluorosis, (a degenerative condition affecting teeth and bones). Triclosan, an antibiotic present in toothpastes ensures dental hygiene but its reaction with chlorinated water forms hepatotoxin which increases the risk of hepatic tumors.

Deep grilled and processed foods
Always consuming cooked-crispy deep grilled/fried meat and burgers pick up tar during the smoking process with charred spots are basically hotspots of carcinogens heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). A long-term exposure to these along with canned foods can shoot up the risk of prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers.

Birth control pills
Certain oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone when used for prolonged periods may increase the risk of breast and cervical cancers over time while reducing the risk of endometrial, ovarian and colon cancers.

Alcoholic beverages
These contain ethanol which gets converted to acetaldehyde and damages DNA, increases estrogen production, eventually triggers cancerous growths. They also produce stomach acids that can damage the lining of gastrointestinal tract. Moderate/ occasional consumption of alcohol is manageable, but excessive long-term drinking may increase the risk of cancers of breast, esophagus, colon, and rectum, worsening the consequence even more for those suffering from peptic ulcers. Cancer attack is probabilistic but nobody is immune to it and depending on the carcinogen load over time, risk of acquiring a particular cancer increases as our body's immunity weakens. Mere abstinence from foods that spice up our taste buds is not the way to prevent cancer. A controlled consumption of foods along with ample intake of fruits, green vegetables and regular exercises is a better way to flush out these lurking carcinogens from the system!


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