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  • Dengue Treatment Food: Best Foods for Dengue Patients to Eat and Avoid

Dengue Treatment Food: Best Foods for Dengue Patients to Eat and Avoid

HealthcareOnTime 2023-12-15 2023-12-16 3 Min Read
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  • Dengue Treatment Food: Best Foods for Dengue Patients to Eat and Avoid

    What is Dengue?

    Dengue affects millions of lives every year. It is a mosquito-borne viral infection caused by the dengue virus - the fatal Aedes mosquito. The symptoms may overlap with many other conditions, making the diagnosis a little tricky in the initial stages. In severe cases, Dengue may pose a significant life risk. There is no specific treatment for Dengue yet. However, your healthcare provider may advise pain medicine to relieve the symptoms. Your healthcare provider can recommend dengue treatment foods and home remedies for Dengue to manage the symptoms optimally and aid in recovery. 

    Did you know: 

    • Nearly half of the global population, around 4 billion individuals, reside in regions susceptible to dengue. Annually, up to 400 million people contract dengue, with around 100 million falling ill and 40,000 succumbing to severe cases. 1, 2
    • In 2023, over 5 million cases and over 5,000 dengue-related deaths have been reported from 86 countries/territories  1, 3

    Symptoms of Dengue

    Most people with Dengue may not experience specific signs other than those observed in common viral infections. These symptoms  4 include:-

    • High fever 
    • Fatigue
    • Severe headache
    • Muscle and joint pains
    • Pain behind the eyes
    • Liver infection
    • Abdominal pain
    • Nausea & vomiting
    • Swollen glands
    • Skin rash

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Dengue

    High fever is one of the common signs of Dengue, which might be confused with other health conditions. Opting for online fever test packages, including a Platelet count test is ideal for knowing whether your fever is caused by Dengue or another health condition. 

    Dengue symptoms usually get better within 4-10 days of the dengue occurrence. Even if the symptom subsides, restoring your optimal health and functions may take several weeks. If you're experiencing signs, consult your healthcare provider, who might recommend you to go for the Dengue Ns1 Antigen test or Dengue Ns1 Antigen rapid test to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis and chart out the right treatment course.

    Dengue Treatment Food: Nourishing Options to Aid Recovery and Boost Immunity

    A healthy diet is essential for healing from dengue. It is important to include foods that are readily digested, nutrient rich superfoods, and hydrating because the virus can lower platelet counts and create dehydration. Dengue can cause extreme fatigue even after the symptoms subsided. Hence it becomes compulsory to include dengue treatment food in your diet to ensure a speedy recovery. 

    Let's talk about the diet for dengue patients in detail. 

    What Food Is Good for Dengue Patients?

    If you want to know how to recover from Dengue, the first step is to consume a healthy diet. A well-balanced dengue diet, which includes the best food for dengue patients, can help support your immunity, maintain strength, and restore lost nutrients. Hydration and the doctor-suggested dengue diet, along with reducing the severity of symptoms, are crucial. Focus on hydrating yourself to combat the dehydration caused by vomiting and high fever. Drink plenty of fluids, like water or clear soups, oral rehydration solution, and coconut water for dengue fever.

    Here is a detailed list of what to eat during Dengue:-

    What are the Best Fruits for Dengue Management? 

    Fresh fruits can be your go-to option if you are wondering what to eat in Dengue. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants to boost immunity and aid in recovery from Dengue. 

    Here is a list of fruits for dengue patients:-

    • Papaya: You might have heard people consuming papaya leaf juice  5 as a dengue remedy. It is because papaya is one of the best fruits to eat in Dengue, rich in active compounds like papain, chymopapain, caricain, and acetogenin. Furthermore, it is antioxidative and anti-inflammatory, helping fight damage free radicals in the cells and improving immunity. 
    • Kiwi: Kiwi 6 is saturated with vitamin C, potassium, polyphenols and antioxidants to improve immunity and help the body fight against the infection. Along with fighting infection, it also helps maintain the electrolyte balance in the body. Thus, Kiwi is deemed an integral part of the dengue diet. 
    • Pomegranate: Wondering which fruit is good for Dengue? Rich in iron, pomegranate 7 might help improve blood platelet count. It helps to reduce weakness and exhaustion caused by iron deficiency and helps maintain energy levels post-dengue fever.
    • Citrus fruits: It is no surprise citrus fruits 8, such as oranges, gooseberries, and lemons, are the most common sources of vitamin C. These are the best foods for dengue patients, strengthening immunity, reducing oxidative stress, and improving the replenishment of the circulation with platelets. 

    What are the Recommended Vegetables to Consume During Dengue?

    Leafy greens are included in the diet chart for dengue patients, for they boost iron levels and support overall health. Here are some options:-

    • Spinach: Vitamin K, abundant in spinach 9, aids in blood cell clots. It also offers a good amount of iron, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids, helping reduce cell inflammation post-dengue inflammation. Additionally, it prevents oxidative stress caused by the virus and promotes better recovery.
    • Beetroot: The detoxifying properties of Beetroot 10 help improve liver function and tackle free radical damage. Iron and folic acid are needed to produce red blood cells to promote faster recovery from Dengue and thus must be considered a part of the dengue diet. 
    • Pumpkin: A rich source of vitamins and antioxidants like beta-carotene, pumpkin 11 helps bring down inflammation and oxidative stress in the cells. 

    What are the Non-veg Food Options for Dengue Patients? 

    Food for dengue patients needs to be balanced and nutrient-rich. A well-balanced combination of fresh and leafy veggies and protein can help accelerate the recovery. Dengue patients can also include non-vegetarian options to meet their protein needs, but it's best to pick lean and easy-to-digest sources of protein. Skinless poultry, fish, and eggs can be added to dengue patients' diets, as they provide essential nutrients without putting pressure on the digestive system. Sources like heavy or fatty meats are some foods to avoid in Dengue. It is best to consult with your healthcare and get your customized dengue fever diet based on your blood test reports. 

    Other Dietary Tips for Dengue Patients

    • Healthy fats: Sources like nuts and seeds provide essential nutrients and energy to the body.
    • Protein sources: Easy-to-digest protein is the best food for dengue patients recovering from infection. Sources include eggs and tofu to aid muscle and tissue repair. 
    • Whole grains: Whole grains help you sustain energy. Sources may include brown rice, oats, and daily. 
    • Herbal teas: Wondering what fluids to drink in Dengue? You may have many options to boost hydration levels, including chamomile or ginger tea.
    • Probiotics: Fermented foods like Kimchi and yogurt can help maintain your gut health and improve liver function. 

    These dietary recommendations can help improve your dengue recovery symptoms and prevent a relapse. While knowing what to eat is important, it's equally important to know what foods to avoid for dengue patients for optimal results. 

    What Foods To Avoid for Dengue Patients With Low Platelets

    Your blood platelet count may significantly drop during Dengue. So, healthcare professionals suggest avoiding foods that may negatively affect platelet production. 

    These are the foods to avoid for dengue patients: 

    • Caffeine: Your body needs lots of fluid during this time, but sourcing caffeinated drinks can harm your overall health. They may temporarily spike your energy levels but cause fatigue and raise your heartbeat. 
    • Spicy Foods: You may be tempted to eat a spicy diet, but it can lead to discomfort in your gut and delay recovery.
    • Also, try to cut down on alcohol as much as you can and avoid high-sodium foods. 

    Dengue can be fatal in severe cases, so managing its symptoms through a healthy diet rich in dengue recovery food is important. 

    Dengue Patient Diet Plan

    Patients with dengue fever frequently suffer from lethargy, appetite loss, and dehydration. The Dengue Patient Diet Plan main objectives are to maintain adequate hydration, offer foods that are simple to digest, and boost immunity.  Recall that while this Dengue Diet Plan is just a suggestion, each person's demands are unique. To ensure that the dengue diet plan is appropriate for the patient's particular health condition and to receive individualized counsel, always seek the assistance of a healthcare professional.

    Meal Time Food Type Food Options


    Hydrating Foods

    - Coconut water

    - Watermelon slices

    Easily Digestible Carbs

    - Plain rice or rice porridge

    Easily Digestible Carbs

    - Plain rice or rice porridge


    - Boiled eggs or tofu


    - Herbal tea or ginger tea


    - Papaya or banana


    Nutrient-Dense Snack

    - Greek yogurt with honey


    Lean Protein

    - Grilled chicken or fish

    Whole Grains

    - Quinoa or brown rice


    - Steamed broccoli and carrots


    - Citrus fruits like oranges or strawberries



    - Fresh coconut water or oral rehydration solution

    Easy-to-Digest Snack

    - Boiled potatoes or crackers


    Light Protein

    - Baked fish or lentils


    - Steamed spinach or kale


    - Chamomile tea or warm milk with turmeric

    Before Bed

    Hydrating Snack

    - Chilled water or herbal infusion

    Tips to Prevent Dengue

    To lower your risk of Dengue, follow these measures: 

    • Use mosquito repellents containing DEET
    • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants
    • Eliminate standing water
    • Dengue mosquitoes are more active during the daytime, so take precautions. 
    • Get yourself vaccinated
    • Use mosquito nets when sleeping
    • Stay informed when Dengue is more prevalent and seek medical attention

    Read More: 8 Natural Mosquito Repellents To Prevent Dengue

    Home Remedies for Dengue 

    The symptoms of Dengue and the duration of their effects may vary from person to person. Even if your symptoms have started subsiding, certain time-tested home remedies for Dengue can aid in your recovery mechanism and prevent a relapse or low platelet count. 

    Some of the key dengue remedies that can be easily tried at home include:

    • Consume boiled neem water - Neem is believed to help contain dengue infection. You can boil some fresh Neem leaves in water and consume them, or add a dash of lemon or honey to make them more flavourful. 
    • In healthcare facilities, medicines rich in papaya leaf extracts are often leveraged to contain dengue infection and manage its symptoms. Consider consuming papaya in any manner at home to aid in dengue management. 
    • Kalmegh and Dudhi - These Ayurvedic herbs have antiviral properties against the dengue virus and improve platelet count naturally. The Guduchi herb can also be consumed as fresh juice or a supplement to boost your immune system. 
    • Golden eye grass, karela, and basil are key ingredients that can be blended well with your diet and medicine schedule to help you recover from Dengue effectively. 

    While there is no specific cure for dengue, certain home remedies for dengue can help alleviate symptoms and support the recovery process. It's important to note that these home remedies are not a substitute for professional medical advice, and anyone suspected of having dengue should seek medical attention promptly. 


    Wondering how to prevent Dengue? Watching out for the signs of Dengue, assessing the risk factors, such as mosquito bites and dengue virus infections, opting for routine health checkups, and proactively taking steps to prevent or manage infections, along with the convenience of being able to book blood test at home, can significantly improve your outlook. Additionally, following the recommended Dengue Treatment food can contribute to your overall well-being.


    The information listed here is strictly for educational purposes and is not intended to offer personal medical advice. Do consult your physician for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. It’s not advised to disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of any information listed here. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products.


    Ref Links: 


    Can we eat chocolate in Dengue?

    No, you should avoid consuming chocolates and sweets during Dengue. Chocolates can reduce your blood platelet and cause dehydration, delaying the recovery.

    Can we take a bath in Dengue?

    You may bathe normally if infected with dengue virus. However, be sure you don't shower for long and use only lukewarm water to prevent high fever, which is highly common during Dengue.

    Are dates good for dengue fever?

    Dates have iron and other essential nutrients that can help increase the number of blood platelets without burdening your gut. They also have high soluble and insoluble fibre content to improve digestion and boost energy levels in the body.

    Can we eat fish during Dengue?

    Yes, you can eat fish during dengue fever. It is an easy-to-digest protein source that can nourish your body with vitamins and minerals. It also aids in tissue repair during the recovery phase.


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