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  • Noticeable Signs That Your Liver Is Healing And Recovering

Noticeable Signs That Your Liver Is Healing And Recovering

HealthcareOnTime 2024-02-25 2024-02-26 3 Min Read
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  • Signs Your Liver Is Healing And Recovering

    The liver plays a crucial role in our well-being, acting as one of the fundamental pillars of our health with its critical metabolic functions, including detoxification and processing nutrients1.

    Despite its remarkable ability to withstand various stressors, it remains vulnerable to harm induced by bad decisions a lot of us are guilty of—the bad decisions could range from poor dietary choices, excessive alcohol consumption, infections, and certain medications. These factors can contribute to conditions such as fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.

    In this guide, we look deep into the signs that your liver is healing, alongside a range of dietary suggestions, supplements, detox methods, and tests. Our goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for either addressing current liver issues or proactively safeguarding against future damage, ultimately enhancing liver health.

    10 Signs your Liver is Healing and Recovering

    Here are ten signs that your liver is recovering:

    • Enhanced vitality in the body: Liver dysfunction can worsen metabolism in the entire body, leading to a condition often associated with persistent fatigue and weakness.Once your liver has recovered, you are likely to experience a notable boost in your energy levels. This improvement underscores the liver's pivotal role in your body's metabolic health and its direct influence on your vitality and well-being2.
    • Stabilized weight: Liver damage can impact your metabolic system, and fluctuations in weight may arise from nutritional imbalances, potentially leading to conditions like anorexia3.Additionally, the liver plays a critical role in regulating hunger hormones, which helps in stabilizing your food intake once recovery occurs.
    • Revitalized appetite: The liver's role in digestion includes the significant production of bile, essential for breaking down fats into usable energy.4. When your liver is healing, the processes of digesting food and absorbing nutrients become more efficient. Consequently, you'll notice your appetite returning to normal, a sign of your body's improved ability to handle and utilize the food you consume. This restoration of digestive function is a key aspect of regaining your overall health and well-being
    • Restored eye and skin tone from being yellowish: Yellowing of the eyes and skin, commonly linked to liver damage from alcoholism, is often a sign of jaundice5
    • This condition arises when the liver fails to adequately break down bilirubin, a scenario also observed in Gilbert's syndrome. By choosing to abstain from alcohol, you give your liver the necessary time to heal and regain its ability to process bilirubin effectively.
    • Balanced glucose levels: It's well-documented that long-term alcohol consumption can disrupt the balance of your glucose levels. Alcohol tends to raise blood sugar levels and contributes to the body's resistance to insulin6. Thus, eliminating alcohol allows liver recovery signs to show up, balancing out your blood sugar level.
    • Better coagulation: Ever wondered why people say alcohol can make your blood thinner? Well, it's because alcohol messes with your blood's ability to clot naturally 7. A fall in the number of platelets raises the chances of bleeding and prolongs the time of wound healing. An increase in coagulation levels is one of the clear signs that your liver is healing8.
    • Enhanced liver function: The liver's primary function is to detoxify, and this is especially important when it's healing. To achieve this, the liver works hard to get rid of the toxins and waste that have accumulated inside the body. Abstaining from alcohol is a key factor that improves liver functions as well as reduces the amount of harmful toxins associated with alcohol in the blood 9.
    • Reduction in pain: Liver inflammation usually comes with a feeling of discomfort and pain. As your liver starts to heal, the swelling goes down, which means less pain and discomfort. This is a good sign that your liver is getting better10.
    • Enhanced clarity of mind and better focus: Impaired liver function causes toxin buildup (Hepatic encephalopathy) in the body, which in turn leads to cognitive impairment, confusion, and fatigue. One of the signs that your liver is recovering is that it decreases brain fog and increases memory retention11.
    •  Better immune response: Apart from cleaning out toxins, the liver also helps fight infections by spotting and removing them from the body12. Drinking too much alcohol can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to catch infections.

    Factors Affecting/Hindering Liver Healing Process

    If you are wondering if the liver regenerates, remember there are several factors that can affect its healing process. Additionally, many other factors make the condition harder to deal with. It includes:

    Underlying Medical Conditions

    Chronic liver disease, liver cirrhosis, and chronic inflammation are the underlying medical conditions that hinder the rate of liver healing13. Moreover, the other underlying medical conditions include hepatitis, autoimmune conditions, genetic disorders (such as hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease), and liver cancer. 

    Remember, the most important aspect of treatment is to discover any hidden medical conditions through a liver function test or a master health checkup and get proper medical help.

    Lifestyle Factors

    Lifestyle choices like frequent heavy drinking, smoking, and eating poorly can slow down how quickly your liver gets better. These bad habits can make it hard for your liver to fix itself and work properly, so it's important to tackle these issues early on.If you regularly indulge in either smoking or drinking, a smoker's checkup or an alcohol impact checkup could help you get insights into your liver's current state. Consequently, your liver can be overworked by a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and eating lots of unhealthy foods that are high in sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates 14

    Thus, involving in consistent physical exercise, reaching an appropriate weight, adopting a diet rich in fiber, protein from lean sources, and whole foods, and being aware of vaccination and safe practices for hepatitis B and C viruses can serve as some of the critical steps to support liver health and healing. 

    Medications and Supplements

    Did you know that with medications and supplements slowing down the liver healing process, there are those that can lead to drug-induced liver injury (DILI)?

    Certain medicines and drugs can end in liver toxicity, inflammation, and damage, which obstructs the liver's healing capacity.  For instance, acetaminophen 15, valproate 16, immune-mediated drugs as well as leflunomide 17 specifically are known to cause Liver failure

    What more? High doses of vitamin A can also pose a threat to your liver's health18.  It is crucial to use medications and supplements under a doctor's guidance and as prescribed to avoid liver failure and its adverse effects.

    Age and Genetics

    The fascinating mix of age and genetics plays a crucial role in the intricate process of liver healing 19.

    As we grow, our liver cells lose some of their youthful vigor, making it harder for them to bounce back from injuries. This decline in regenerative power can have serious consequences, potentially increasing the risks associated with liver diseases.

    At a molecular level, the story is just as complex. On one hand, studies show that the regenerative ability of the liver in the older population is significantly low, hindering the restoration of liver functions.

    On the other hand, genetics also play a crucial role in this grand play. Some people are naturally mutated; in other words, they have alterations in the genes in their body since birth, which cause genetic liver diseases. Parents have a high chance of imparting heritable genetic alteration to their children. 

    So, even if the liver regenerates, liver genetic diseases may have an impact on your liver's functioning such that it won't be able to perform regular functions like handling nutrients and removing toxins from your blood properly.

    Hemochromatosis and alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency are the two most common genetic liver diseases known to be inherited 20.

    Did you know: 

    • Using screening tests correctly in clinical settings helps exclude the potential cause of liver disease and aids in the early detection of any genetic liver disease to save terminal organ damage.

    Things to Avoid During Liver Recovery

    When it comes to diet during liver recovery, it is crucial to avoid some foods that may interrupt the process and strain your liver. Here are some key things to avoid during liver recovery based on the provided sources:

    • Alcohol: Alcohol consumption is one of the first things to avoid during liver recovery as it causes liver inflammation 21. Even in moderate amounts, it should be avoided at all costs.
    • Highly processed and fatty foods: Food that is highly processed, fatty, and salty often overburden the liver and should be brought to a minimum amount during recovery22.
    • Added sugars: Processed sugary items like candy, soda, and baked goods, which are filled with added sugar, should be avoided or consumed in moderate quantities because they can lead to excessive blood sugar levels, storing as fat in the liver.
    • Refined grains: Processed and refined grains such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice (which lose fiber during manufacturing) raise blood sugar levels during this recovery period and need to be replaced with whole grains 23.
    • Fatty, fried, or salty foods: Overload of fatty, fried, or salty foods that are high in saturated fats may cause strain on your liver, making it a big no-no during liver recovery 24.

    Methods to Promote Liver Healing

    To promote liver healing, there are several methods you can incorporate into your lifestyle based on the information from the sources provided:

    • Maintain an ideal weight: Carrying extra weight involves the risk of developing liver diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Balance your activity level, consume healthy food, and be mindful of the size of your portions to reduce your risk of NAFLD25.
    • Follow a liver-friendly diet: A diet based on whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables that are rich in fibre, choosing lean protein sources, reducing intake of sugars, salt, and saturated fats, and avoiding foods that are processed will support a healthy liver 26.
    • Get vaccinated: Reduce your risk of viral liver disease like hepatitis A and B by getting vaccinated against it 27, use protection during sex (to not transmit HIV), avoid sharing needles, and make sure the tattoos and piercing equipment are sterile 28.
    • Limit alcohol intake: Drinking alcohol (even one glass a day) is deteriorating liver health. More often than not, alcohol causes liver damage and slows down liver functions.
    • Regular Medical Checkups: Opting for regular liver panel test is important in detecting and tackling any liver disorder early.
    • Exercise Regularly: Exercise will help increase your insulin sensitivity and help eliminate the triglycerides, leading to better liver function 29.
    • Avoid toxins: Take only doctor-prescribed medication and herbal drugs that can cause liver damage if taken without supervision. Moreover, look out for toxic chemicals like polychlorinated biphenyls and carbon tetrachloride in cleaning agents and household items30.

    Monitoring Liver Health Through Testing 

    Liver function tests (LFT) are a vital tool in the process of diagnosing various blood substances:

    • Albumin: A protein synthesized by the liver.
    • Liver enzymes: Elevated levels of alanine transaminase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzymes in the blood indicate liver damage 31.
    • Prothrombin time: Evaluates the blood's ability to clot effectively.
    • Total protein: Indicates the overall protein concentration in the bloodstream.
    • Bilirubin: Bilirubin compound is produced when the liver fails to properly break down red blood cells.


    In conclusion, recognizing the signs your liver is healing or recovering is pivotal in maintaining overall health and well-being. From heightened energy levels and stabilized weight to revitalized appetite and improved skin tone, these indicators signify the liver's resilience and regenerative capacity. By understanding the signs of liver healing and implementing lifestyle changes conducive to liver health, individuals can take proactive steps towards restoring and maintaining optimal liver function, thus safeguarding their overall well-being for years to come.


    Ref Links: 


    Does the liver regenerate?

    Yes, it does. Liver regeneration means that it can regenerate lost liver tissues (Being the only visceral organ to do so)32. The regeneration process happens owing to the activation of EGFR and c-Met, involving numerous phases like new cell priming, growth factor activation, and TGF-β cessation of new cells33

    Can the liver heal itself?

    The liver's regenerative capability in the organ family is one of the features that set it apart from the others. In a surprising manner, a liver can fully expand to its natural size even after losing up to 90% of it35. However, it is not invincible. A number of pathologies and exposure can degrade it till the restoration is no longer possible.

    If I quit drinking, will my liver heal?

    Excessive alcohol consumption can do serious damage to liver health, and it should be avoided for the appropriate liver healing process36. However, liver damage from long-term alcohol usage will take months or even years to heal.

    Is liver damage reversible?

    Liver damage can be reversed if you completely get rid of alcohol and take other protective measures37. This is associated with mild alcoholic hepatitis. However, severe alcoholic hepatitis is a potentially dangerous and life-endangered diagnosis requiring immediate medical attention. Always stay ahead by getting regular body checkups and tests. 

    How much time does the liver take to recover?

    It is based on the level of damage done so far. Remember, quitting alcohol completely for even a small stretch of time of two weeks will yield a positive result for the liver38. However, it takes a complete detoxification needed for liver recovery symptoms to show, depending on a variety of personal factors.


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