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PCOD Problem in Women - What is Difference Between PCOS and PCOD

HealthcareOnTime 2023-09-27 2023-09-28 3 Min Read
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  • polycystic ovarian disease pcod problem in women

    What is PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)?

    Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is one of the most common reproductive health hazards in women caused due to a combination of hormonal imbalances and genetic tendencies. In PCOD, your ovaries tend to release premature or immature eggs that might turn into cysts, causing hormonal imbalances. The level of male hormones (androgens) tend to surge in your bloodstream, which may cause complications and side effects, such as abnormal hair growth on the face and body, irregular menstruation, weight gain and infertility in extreme cases. This is what happens in PCOD. 

    Bilateral Polycystic Ovarian Disease is the condition in which both the ovaries develop cysts, multiplying the complications and side effects of PCOD. Mild PCOD is a condition in which the cysts in the ovaries are either minimal or don’t cause much harm in terms of irregular periods and other health complications. 

    Did you know: 

    • PCOS affects an estimated 8-13% of reproductive-aged women, making it a significant public health problem and one of the commonest hormonal disturbances affecting women of reproductive age
    • Up to 70% of affected women are undiagnosed
    • PCOS is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age
    • PCOS is a leading cause of infertility, and irregular periods, usually with a lack of ovulation, can make it difficult to become pregnant
    • Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant, which increases their risk for type 2 diabetes
    • PCOS is a chronic condition and cannot be cured. However, some symptoms can be improved through lifestyle changes, medications, and fertility treatments

    PCOD and PCOS - Similarities and Differences 

    Are you wondering what is PCOS and PCOD and is PCOD and PCOS the same? Though referred to interchangeably, PCOD and PCOS are not the same. While PCOD is caused by a combination of hormonal imbalances and genetic predispositions, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a chronic endocrine system disorder that has more serious implications. 

    The key differences between PCOS and PCOD include:



    PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Disorder, is characterized by the production of numerous immature or partially mature eggs in the ovaries, often resulting in the development of ovarian cysts. This condition typically arises due to a combination of hormonal imbalances and genetic predisposition.

    PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a metabolic-endocrine disorder characterized by elevated levels of male hormones produced by the ovaries. These hormonal imbalances can result in irregular menstrual cycles, acne, and increased hair growth. It's important to note that PCOS is a more severe condition compared to PCOD.

    Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a moderate and manageable condition

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a more serious condition

    Caused due to hormonal imbalances and genetic tendencies

    Caused due to endocrine system dysfunctions 

    10% of global women tend to experience PCOD at some point in their lives

    0.2 to 2.5% of global women tend to experience PCOS at some point in their lives

    Can be managed by informed lifestyle changes 

    Lifestyle changes alone might not suffice 

    External hormone treatment is not needed

    External hormone treatment is a must 

    PCOD may or may not cause fertility problems

    PCOS is a leading cause of infertility in women

    Symptoms of PCOD 

    In certain instances PCOD problem symptoms might be confused with other healthcare conditions and complications. It is essential to beware of and watch out for some of the widely acknowledged symptoms of PCOD, such as:

    • Irregular menstruation 
    • Heavy period flows 
    • Acne breakouts on the skin of the face and neck 
    • Abnormal hair growth in women, giving away a men-like appearance
    • Excessive weight gain 
    • Crown baldness, receding hairline and pattern baldness in females 
    • Skin darkening 
    • Headaches

    Causes of PCOD 

    PCOD problems in females are quite common and may occur at any time after they reach the puberty age. By understanding why PCOD occurs, women can seek the right treatment, management and preventive interventions to lead a good quality of life. 

    Some of the key reasons for OCOD are:

    • Genetic predisposition
    • Insulin resistance 
    • Obesity 
    • Chronic inflammations 
    • Excess insulin and androgen hormone concentration in the body 

    Who is at Risk of PCOD?

    Some of the common risk factors for PCOD problems in females are:

    Complications of PCOD When Left Untreated

    Some of the common complications of PCOD include:

    • Diabetes 
    • Impaired glucose tolerance 
    • Infertility 
    • Cardiovascular diseases 
    • Obstructive sleep apnea 
    • Depression and anxiety 
    • Endometrial cancer due to defunct ovulation and endometrial lining thickening 
    • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 

    Diagnosis of PCOD 

    Wondering how to know if you have PCOS? Opting for PCOD profile blood tests can help your healthcare provider diagnose PCOD and assess your risks of developing the same. 

    Some of the key diagnostic tests leveraged for PCOD assessment include:

    • Medical history analysis 
    • Pelvic exam to look for tumours in the reproductive organs 
    • hormonal imbalance test to assess low Follicle stimulating hormone, high luteinizing hormone, high testosterone, high oestrogen, low sex hormone binding globulin
    • Blood Pressure Tests 
    • Thyroid Proflie Test 
    • Glucose tolerance tests 
    • Lipid profile test 
    • Ultrasounds for analysing cysts in ovaries - texture, volume, and uterine lining thickness 
    • Depression and anxiety screening 
    • Obstructive sleep apnea screening 

    PCOD Management and Treatment 

    How To Cure PCOD Permanently - this is probably the most commonly asked question by women with PCOD or are at a risk of the same. In a nutshell, PCOD can’t be cured permanently but can be managed with optimal and appropriate interventions. 

    Medical Treatment for PCOD 

    Some of the key PCOD problem treatments include:

    • Administration of Birth control pills and hormone meds
    • Infertility treatments 
    • Treatments for hyperandrogenism 
    • Cyclic hormonal treatments 
    • Laparoscopic surgeries 
    • Meds for regulating menstruation, promoting ovulation, and reducing abnormal hair growth 

    These medical PCOD problem solutions and some of the best treatments for PCOD should be sought after a conclusive consultation with your healthcare provider. For specialised PCOD cures, do consult your healthcare provider. 

    Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes 

    Are you wondering how to cure PCOD problem permanently at home? While this may seem far-fetched, by opting for some of the time-tested home remedies for PCOD, you can find a polycystic ovarian disease cure. 

    Make lifestyle changes to manage and prevent PCOD problems.

    • Opt for a healthy and balanced diet 
    • Stay physically active 
    • Avoid sedentary lifestyle choices to keep lifestyle disorders, such as obesity and high BP and cholesterol at bay 
    • Opt for routine blood test and imaging tests to assess the risk of PCOD as well as the progress of treatments if you are undergoing any. 

    PCOD complications or PCOD side effects can be managed by understanding the triggers and seeking the right PCOD interventions. 

    Diet for PCOD 

    Diet plays a crucial role in influencing the occurrence, prevention and management of PCOD as it is directly linked with obesity and weight gain and other lifestyle disorders that are prime suspects for PCOD. 

    The diet for a PCOD patient should include fresh fruits, leafy green and orange vegetables, seeds, cereals, pulses, dairy products. Red meat, saturated, and hydrogenated fats, sugary foods and drinks and refined cereals should be avoided as much as possible. 


    PCOD is the most common reproductive health hazard that has been impacting women across the globe. Understanding the causes, symptoms, risk factors and complications and opting for the right PCOD treatment in terms of medical management and home remedies is crucial. 

    We at HealthcareOnTime can assist you in your PCOD care journey by offering At-home PCOD profile test, blood testing, imaging tests and female hormone imbalance tests and overall female profile testing with Thyrocare Aarogyam Female Profile Test with 101 parameters at the comfort of your home in the most convenient and cost-effective manner.

    Disclaimer: The information listed here is strictly for educational purposes and is not intended to offer personal medical advice. Do consult your physician for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. It's not advised to disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of any information listed here. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products.


    Ref Links: 

    FAQs Around PCOD

    How to get pregnant with PCOD?

    Wondering how to get pregnant with PCOD? Go for a few consultations with your OB/GYN specialist to assess your real-time reproductive health profile and necessary precautions to get pregnant. In extreme cases, you might need external hormone treatments to support your future pregnancy.

    PCOD or PCOS, which is more dangerous?

    When it comes to answering PCOD or PCOS, which is more dangerous, the obvious response is PCOS as it occurs due to a defunct endocrine system and can't be reversed or completely cured.

    Does PCOS affect pregnancy?

    Does PCOS affect pregnancy? Yes, as PCOS or PCOD usually involve hormone imbalances in females and your body might not have the adequate hormone levels required to support your pregnancy. These PCOD problems in pregnancy can lead to complications both for the pregnant women and their unborn child.

    Can PCOD be cured permanently?

    Wondering how to cure PCOD, especially permanently? The fact is, PCOD can't be cured completely but can be managed with medications, treatments and home remedies as well as lifestyle changes.

    How long can PCOS delay your period?

    PCOS might delay your periods for 3 months and in extreme cases up to 5 or 6 months.

    How to get pregnant with PCOD?

    Talk to your OB/GYN, opt for necessary diagnostic tests, precautionary measures and treatments necessary to conceive and deliver safely.

    Does PCOS cause weight loss?

    Does PCOS cause weight loss or weight gain - this is an inconclusive debate so far. However, PCOS and PCOD are usually associated with abnormal weight gain and obesity.

    Can PCOS cause a miscarriage?

    PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) doesn't directly cause miscarriage but may increase the risk. Hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance associated with PCOS can lead to complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, which may indirectly raise the risk of miscarriage. However, with proper medical care and monitoring, many women with PCOS have successful pregnancies.


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